Who will ultimately control artificial intelligence?

This summer, reporter Steve Kahn and I spent an hour on the phone with Victor Jarusel, co-founder of The Potential Foundation. (He’s also on the board of The Rockefeller University, the wealthiest medical center in the country.)

We were discussing ethics and philosophy of science and artificial intelligence. In the final installment of our Nature Deeds series, Victor says:

The relationship between science and ethics is quite difficult. What you can say is that we need to ask three questions: First, who controls the person who creates something new? Second, whether a person’s freedom to make these things has been meaningfully limited? And third, how do we protect people from the harms that come from creating these new things? This is where one can see artificial intelligence technologies starting to have major impact. People are exploring whether there is evidence of [manipulation of] consciousness. And then there’s the legal question: Can we create things to be harmful?

Subscribe to Nature Deeds.

We edited this conversation in tandem with Bloomberg.

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