Sen. Joe Biden addresses the nation’s long-term fiscal crisis at the Wisconsin Capitol

1. He calls for $2 billion for bridge repairs. Sen. Joe Biden, who is calling for a federal investment of $2 billion a year over the next ten years, said: “We ought to preserve our bridges, not just because they’re convenient for motorists, but because they were made to last.”

2. He calls for $30 billion to train more health workers in every state, including $2 billion for free tuition. Sen. Joe Biden, who is calling for a federal investment of $30 billion a year over the next ten years, said: “We ought to preserve our bridges, not just because they’re convenient for motorists, but because they were made to last.”

3. He calls for changes to welfare programs that would change how they treat single mothers who are working. Sen. Joe Biden, who is calling for a federal investment of $30 billion a year over the next ten years, said: “We ought to preserve our bridges, not just because they’re convenient for motorists, but because they were made to last.”

4. He says he’ll offer his own proposal to fix the country’s infrastructure, without getting specific, to “modify” President Trump’s infrastructure plan. Sen. Joe Biden, who is calling for a federal investment of $30 billion a year over the next ten years, said: “We ought to preserve our bridges, not just because they’re convenient for motorists, but because they were made to last.”

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